Two Habits that Give You an Unfair Advantage in Life

Self Improvement Oct 30, 2020

Life isn’t easy for teenagers -- you think no one gets you and irrespective of how hard you try, you can’t get others to understand your point of view. Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist, once said “bad writing is a deliberate choice”, and believe it or not, that is true. You shouldn’t have any excuses whatsoever to justify poor communication. As no matter which college you apply to or which job you finally get, being an effective communicator will always be necessary.

Effective communication is about putting across your point elegantly, without the words you choose changing the meaning of what you say and ensuring the point is understood correctly. In a world filled with noise and always seeking efficiency, the ability to communicate accurately and concisely is nothing short of a superpower. Teenagers looking to build this superpower have to focus on just two fundamental habits -- writing and reading.

1. Writing

College applications involve tons of essays. Marks are no longer a differentiating factor and thus when you’re competing with thousands of equally bright competitors, all you have got to set yourself apart is your story. Those 1500-word essays you’ll write will decide whether or not you get into your dream colleges and get those life-saving scholarships. Therefore, you must develop your writing skills as early on as possible, so that by the time you are expected to write such pivotal pieces of your life, you are well-equipped.

Data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found out that baby boomers had 11.7 jobs throughout their working lives. Being a part of generation Z and considering the state of the economy, you too are bound to shuffle between companies and industries before finally settling down. Even though these career shifts might demand different skills from you, they’ll all share one requirement -- effective communication. You will always need to write emails, reports, updates, and make presentations, and having sloppy command over your language will only pull you down and form an image of inadequate knowledge (even though that might not be true).

You know how quickly you close the YouTube video where the presenter is inarticulate and beating around the bush. That’s ineffective communication at play.

In this globalised era where every firm looks to outsource functions and your next big opportunity might be from a company not in your vicinity, a lot of communication will be written. This might happen on LinkedIn, WhatsApp, or Gmail.  So making good impressions will be increasingly linked to how effectively you can communicate in writing as opposed to face-to-face interactions, which is why writing well is an important skill.

Now that we have emphasised the importance of developing good writing skills, we will focus on how reading plays an integral role in doing so.

2. Reading

Reading books gives you access to stories, theories, and places you would otherwise never even hear about. Even though you might not agree with everything you read, you will definitely form opinions and perspectives on a wide range of topics as it sets off a chain reaction in your mind, making you think and compile other people’s thoughts and ideas. Reading has a greater influence on your academic achievements than your socio-economic background. And that perfectly sums up the potential of reading.

The more you read, the more words you know, and the more words you know the more articulate you become. Being able to convey your thoughts and ideas succinctly will give you a head start in any and every profession you choose. Reading enables you to understand others better, which is another essential aspect of being an effective communicator. When you read about historical events or another culture, you develop empathy as you learn to view issues from someone else’s eye.

As you read a variety of texts, you will start picking up phrases and tones which you will use in your writing without even realising it. With all the vocabulary, creativity, knowledge, and opinions lent to you by different authors, you eventually start using it all to your advantage. Reading enhances your writing skills -- which makes you a better communicator.

Teenagers have a lot of going on in their lives, and misunderstandings caused by incoherent communication doesn't help. With all the career/work-related advantages effective communication delivers, it also helps you manage your relationships with ease. Communication demands to be treated as a form of art, and it's one that everyone is capable of mastering.

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